About Us

We were born to be adventurers, travelers, human connectors.


Founded with a passion for exploration and self-discovery, Hodos & Co. aims to be more than just a destination for fun accessories; we aspire to ignite a spark in your soul and lead you on an expedition of personal growth reflection.


We firmly believe that traveling is not merely about ticking off places on a map but an opportunity to uncover the true essence of oneself and the world around us. Our scrunchies are designed to enhance your wanderlust experience, ensuring that you embark on your odyssey inspired and equipped (with whatever you need!). We value authenticity, sustainability, and cultural appreciation, and each product we offer reflects our commitment to responsible travel and supporting local communities.


Join us on this journey where every adventure fuels a deeper connection to your purpose and a richer understanding of the world's beauty. Hodos & Co. is not just a brand; it is your steadfast companion as you navigate the uncharted territories of life, encouraging you to embrace the unknown, find yourself, and create a meaningful impact along your journey. 


With gratitude,
